Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My Brother

My brother is a really nice guy. Some people think he is disgusting ( That's me sometimes.) but he is really cool and a great play mate. In the weekend me and my brother are usually playing in our new hut in the trees but it still needs work.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Paper, rubbish, toilet rolls, the lot. There is rubbish littering our planet. If we don't do something soon the whole world will be polluted. If we keep on letting the carbon dioxide in to the air then we will all burn to death. We keep on 'accidentally' letting this slip but we have to do something.
Here are some things you can do to help save the planet from global warming:
* You can recycle. Recycling is way better then just throwing rubbish on the street or in the rubbish bin.Recycling takes your rubbish back to the factory ,cleans and\or melts it and makes it in to a different object.
*You could help by not cutting down to many trees. Trees help us by breathing in CO2 ( carbon dioxide ) and breathing out oxygen.