Monday, May 28, 2007

I luv cute things!!

I just love to go on the internet and just look for cute pics.Here are some of them.


Nicole is also one of my friends but not the closest.
She is really cool and is in the same maths class as me.All my other friends are in room 2 for maths because they are better at maths then me.It is unfair because we are doing the same kind of stuff.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My sister

This is my sister Holly. If she new I was puting this photo on the internet she would kill me. Yes that is an example of what kind of person she is. You annoy her just a bit by accident and she will kill you. She can be nice sometimes on special occasions.


Dave is my teacher. He is really funny but strict at the same time.
He is really cool and I don't want to leave his class next year.
Here is a pic of him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I have heaps of guinea pigs. I have nine at the moment. some of the ones in this picture arn't even at my house any more.
There names are (From left.) Maisy, Mindy,
Bindy, Sandy, Daisy, Jazzman.

Lulu is my puppy. She is a big bundle of mischief. She is cute one minute and evil the next.

Lulu asleep ( she is soooo cute.)

Monday, May 14, 2007


I have heaps of friends but I will only tell you the closest ones.
I have Cassi, Rosa, Josie and Libby.
Here are some pics of them.
Cassi is the blonde one.
Rosa is the brown haired one.
Josie is the one with curly hair.
Libby is the one with brown hair and white t-shirt.

Nearly every sunday i go to church. It may sound boring but there are lots of interesting things and sometimes the odd lollies. Every term or so we have this thing it is a bit like a camp concert but churchy stuff. I like doing the plays. You get to dress up and it is really fun. At christmas time each family gets a present. It is usally a book or vidio but it is still cool to get a present. It kindof makes you feel welcome.

Hey, it’s me Isabelle but just call me Izzy.
My life can stink sometimes but most of the time I remember that I’m quite well off. I’ve got a Mum and Dad that love me. I got a sister which amazingly can be nice sometimes but hey she’s a teenager what do you expect. I have a brother who is quite annoying but he is always there when I get bored. At school I’ve got the best teacher in the school, well I think I do, but everybody thinks that there own teacher is cool because they don’t know the other teachers. I have got the coolest friends that I don’t always hang out with but always seem to get along with. Back at home again I have got a small backyard but with all the pets it is like a farm. I have nine chickens called Flower Fluff, Betty Boo, Book Book, Penny, Puffy, Chickadee, Big Red, Sweet Pea and Sweet Heart. All my guinea pigs names are Miss piggy, Coco, Sandy, Speckles, Billy bob, Princes Jazzmen, Miki, Masiy and Bindy. My gorgeous puppy Lulu is just a cute, fluffy, bundle of mischief.
This morning I woke up at the sound of tiny feet running down stairs and before you could even think a fluffy ball zoomed past to lick my face. Unfortunately she had only reached up to grab a fluffy toy off my bed and took off. When I told my mum later she said that Lulu probably wanted me to get up and chasse her around the room. My sister loves to scrape book. She has to do at least four times a week. She also loves to roller skate… front of the television!!The weird thing is that she never does it when the TV is off.We have to do homework every day but some classes have weekly homework but we get to choose what to do.Every Tuesday we go other library. There are three groups me,Cassi and Rosa are in group one Josi is in group two and Libby is in group three. Of course there are others people in the groups but they are my closest friends.